Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

11 July 2016

Why is Modesty Important to Me

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, modesty is a principle that has been taught to me from a young age. I know it is a contentious topic among some groups, but, to me, modesty is an essential characteristic of followers of Christ. 1 Timothy 4:12 is a place where the mandate is given to followers of Christ to be modest. “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

Modesty is best understood when we take in its entire meaning. To be modest means "having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc..," "free from ostentation or extravagance," "having or showing regard for the decencies of behavior, speech, dress, etc...," and "limited or moderate in amount, extent, etc..." []. Clothing, speech, and behavior are all ways that we communicate to others. We choose how we present ourselves and everyone is left to interpret our message.

I had a memorable juxtaposition of modesty in relation to dress while volunteering at the Provo City Center Temple open house. We had frequent interactions with the owner of Nuskin who was a major player in the renovations/rebuilding of the Provo tabernacle into the temple, who also happened to be my husband's mission president. We know he is wealthy and has good connections, but if we had not known him, looking on his outward appearance would not have told us much. I can't tell by looking at him if his suit was expensive or not, but that is what modesty is.

In stark contrast I saw another man who had a very stylized suit. It looked current and fashionable and he had sunglasses that matched once he returned to the outdoors. I could tell by looking at him that he had money and connections (who knows if he actually did). I saw it as a lesson to myself that I personally did not want to dress that way. I, in any case, do not wish to make him a bad example or call him a sinner as he could be showing his respect to the House of the Lord by wearing the best that he owned. I just wish to note the lesson that Gd taught me in that instance, modesty is moderation in dress, talk, and behavior.

Most of the time modesty ends up in a discussion about what is and isn’t modest. My Church has clear standards that are clearly posted for anyone to read, you can check that out on if you want to know more about that. I, however, wish to avoid discussing what is and isn’t modest and instead focus on the principle.

When you are modest, people will notice you as a person with a dignified personality. When you are dressed immodestly, people notice what else you are trying to emphasize-whether it is sexuality, wealth, parts of your body, extremes, anything. You choose everyday what you will communicate to the world through your clothes, actions, and words. I choose to dress in a way that accentuates my personality that reflects the dignity of someone with religious convictions. What do you choose to dress as?

25 February 2016

Depression and the Deepest of Holes

I have never been as forth coming of my struggles with depression as someone should who wishes that the world would change the way it looks at people with mental illness. It was something I struggled with through all of high school, the start of college, and even while on my mission. I'm not completely cured of depression, but, compared to where I have been, I feel as if my struggles now are nothing at all.

People without depression relate it to low times in their life when they had "the blues" and pity parties. They lack the understanding of what depression really is and sometimes judge those struggling as people spending too much time having a pity party. Real depression is not caused by pity parties, pity parties are more the way that depressed people try and make sense of why they feel the way they do.

Depression is mainly characterized by feelings of deep sadness for no apparent reason. Sometimes that means crying, other times it means losing the desire to move, and sometimes it means blocking everything out and trying to carry on so as to not be a burden on those around you. These feelings that you cannot control follow you everywhere and majorly effect the way you live your life. You lose interest in the things you love because they no longer bring joy to your life and you have no power to change that. This is why it can be compared to being in a hole with no way to get out.

Some go so far as to lose all motivation to get up out of bed because they feel hopeless. Some start wishing to take away their own lives because it feels like there is nothing that can be done (and that their problems are unnecessarily being a burden to their loved ones). They feel the hole they are in is too deep to escape. The feeling that the hole is inescapable is from the devil; do not listen to him.

When times are rough and we lose our faith in ourselves, we lose our hope as well. We know that Jesus Christ can do everything, but that we are miserable failures and thus are incapable of taking the steps in order to be healed/saved. The last part is also a lie of the father of all lies. Christ has performed the Atonement and can do everything and all that is required of us is to turn towards Him as much as we can. If that is limited to only going through the motions of your faith, so be it. He understands and in time will make it mean much more to you.

So what happens when you pull through and fight off suicidal thoughts, do you get freed from the deep hole of depression? No. In fact, through my own experience, you usually find yourself in deeper and deeper holes. How do you fight off the suicidal thoughts if you lose more and more hope in the process of getting over depression? You cling to your old decision that your life is not yours to take. Once you pass through the debate once, you don't have to go through it again. It becomes something you can cling to and hold on to and remember that you can be courageous even if you fail everything else.

Yes, this is a cheesy Sunday School lesson. Make the decision once and then you never have to make it again. We remember the familiar scenario, create pretend scenarios in your mind of the temptation to smoke, decide that you are going to say no, and then stick to it if it ever happens in real life. Unfortunately, many of us do not foresee being burdened with depression and thus never make the decision prior to being in a place where it actually does seem like the only way to solve our problems  and the problems of those around us. Thus we have to be brave and trust Gd that it is not the solution that will actually solve all our problems. Then we have to cling to that choice when the thoughts come back again.

What if we have sinned and feel like we aren't going to make it to the Celestial Kingdom anyway, why not bring our final fate to us sooner? I will answer that with a question, do you quit the game just because you are losing in the first quarter? Sometimes the beginning of the game reflects the final outcome of the game, but many times it doesn't. Don't forfeit the game prematurely because you don't think you can win. It is better to play to the end and see how it turns out. Your fellow players may surprise you and turn the game around and your best support my not show up until half-time but then they are there and will help you actually be successful in playing the game.

If you struggle with depression, my words above are only survival skills, i.e. how to not kill yourself if you have depression. If you really want to get out of the hole and stop feeling like a burden to your friends and family, you need to go get the appropriate "medical attention". You need to find a counselor that fits you (my first counselor was not a good match and thus I didn't get anywhere with him) and be perfectly honest and open with them. Being perfectly honest and open means you need to talk about the things that you are hiding from yourself. Only then can they start helping you untangle the mess of your mind.

Sometimes they can only untangle your mind and you will still have bouts of depression. Depression can be solely chemical, but if that is your case you still need to get counseling because chemical depression still causes the mental side-effects until you learn the tools to keep your mind untangled. Once you have those skills you will better be able to navigate life and realize that depression doesn't have to control your life. You may not be completely free in this life, but life can become enjoyable again.

21 July 2015

Gay Rights Movement: The New Anti-Prohibition Movement

Some gay rights advocates have heralded their movement as similar to the civil rights movement. I have voiced my disagreement to that comparison, but I do not deny that they have faced discrimination (just to a lesser degree).

Now this does not mean that I do not believe that there is no place for the discussion and legalization of same-sex marriage, but it does mean that I take a different perspective on the two sides of the argument. I think the gay rights movement is more like the anti-prohibition movement. To compare, we will start at the point of time when the prohibition was enacted through the 18th amendment and it is illegal for the sale and consumption of alcohol (for the sole purpose that gay marriage was not legal before the movement began).

In this time period, there were groups of people who wanted to maintain the prohibition, keeping alcohol illegal, because alcohol was immoral and harmed society (who can blame them if you have ever seen alcohol destroy individuals and families by alcoholism). The group that wanted to repeal the prohibition felt that alcohol was an important part of their liberty and pursuit of happiness (many use alcohol in responsible ways and find it an essential part of plans with friends).

To me, this sounds exactly like the gay rights movement. Religious people believe that gay marriage will hurt society, based on faith and testimonials of children raised by gay couples. Whereas homosexuals who want to marry and people who support them believe that being able to marry is an essential part of their pursuit of happiness. Neither side is wrong, but they each point out a specific responsibility of the American government: to protect citizens and to protect the right of citizens to pursue happiness.

This is why it is a reasonable solution to leave it to the states to decide, whether by just state laws or eventually an amendment that is passed by the people (like the anti-prohibition people got the 21st amendment passed). The Supreme Court jumped its bounds when it required states to not only recognize marriages performed in other states (as is reasonable) but to 'legislate' that states must perform same-sex marriages. Their duty is to check up on the laws not create laws. Regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court got carried away, it does not mean that everyone else should get carried away.

The right to marry is not a right protected by the constitution (as some supreme court justices tried to imply), as polygamy and marriages of children under certain ages are not allowed. But, as more and more Americans feel that gays deserve to marry, it can become something that we chose to include via an amendment. But, just as the enactment of the 21st amendment didn't require all establishments that provided food to also sell alcohol, the 'legalization' of same-sex marriage should not force all institutions that perform weddings to provide this service for same-sex couples. Will most institutions eventually perform those types of weddings? Most likely because that is the financially savvy decision.

Is this discriminatory? Not in my opinion. Many Catholic Churches will not permit me to marry inside their churches unless I convert to Catholicism. My Church requires people to not only be members but members who live high standards of worthiness to marry in our temples. The reason Catholics and Latter-day Saints do this is because of their beliefs related to marriage. Similarly, some churches still preach that life is better without alcohol, mine included. The 21st amendment didn't come and tell us that we had to stop considering drinking alcohol a sin or force us to sell alcohol on church property. It permits us to choose.

America was founded on the principles of religious freedom because people were tired of government forcing everyone to belong to the state religion and showing legal preference to one religion or another. Religious freedom is what we would lose if churches would be forced to perform marriages against their beliefs. It is because of this freedom that homosexuals were even able to voice their dissenting belief on marriage and relationships (i.e. no one forced them to believe homosexuality is a sin). Liberty is at its finest is when we live in a community in peace even when we believe different things and live according to those beliefs. 

20 April 2015

Your Conference Prayer has been Answered

So I know that LDS General Conference was a few weeks ago and that my writing on topics related to it is a little dated. Regardless, I feel a need to write a few more things on the subject because I have learned different lessons in my life that I feel like can apply to those individuals who have concerns about General Conference. I am sure they also have learned lessons that I have yet to learn, but I will learn in time.

Close to the close of General Conference I read an article entitled My Prayer for Conference. It is from the USGA at BYU blog and someone had posted it on Facebook. Reading this article lead me to a reflection about a lesson I learned my freshman year of college.

 A story from the talk entitled To Acquire Spiritual Guidance really expresses what I discovered. The story is a contrast of two different Sunday School lessons that Elder Scott attended. One was in Mexico where a humble man who was teaching out of love for those he taught. The other was back in his home ward, presumably in Utah, where the teacher appeared to be teaching to show how intelligent he was. Regardless of how the class was taught, Elder Scott demonstrated that he was able to receive spiritual guidance in both meetings.

I have had many strong experiences that show to me that General Conference is a place where the spirit resides and everything I hear is an answer to my prayer. I have also had the opposite side, where I pull up social media or a game on my phone in order to stop the flow of anger and resentment at what is being taught. I do not think the difference is the content or the speakers not speaking by the power of the Holy Ghost. I think it is related to my personal preparation and where I am in my life.

I do not wish anyone to feel like I am singling them out or saying that they are falling away from the Church because of their struggles in finding strengthening messages in General Conference. I wish to relate it to myself and I lesson I am learning now. A phrase that has recently been sticking with me is "O that...thy righteousness [been] as the waves of the sea" (1 Nephi 20:18 or Isiah 48:18).

To me this means that in our daily life we draw close to Gd and then drift further away and then close again. Growing up near the beach makes this message more tangible to me. A wave cannot be strong and powerful unless it has a strong pull out to sea, but then it comes crashing even stronger towards the shore.

So it is with us. At times in our lives everything brings a strong spiritual message that we are on the right path and we easily receive the next steps on our path. Then other times hearing the pleasing word of Gd makes us feel like hard words have been spoken against us because we are guilty of some wrong things (1 Nephi 16:2). This is expected as we are far from perfect and our struggles are personal.

The secret is what we chose to do because of that pulling away from the things of Gd. Do we take them as a warning sign that we are drifting away from who we want to be and then humble ourselves to do all that we can to crash upon the shores of the Gospel? Or do we let them repulse us away from the Gospel feeling like the pull away is the direction we are meant to travel because that is how we feel now?

The person who wrote that article admitted to feeling a few messages that said “I’m here. I know you. I love you. Stay with me, and come back to me.” That there is the way to receive revelation. That could be deemed as the answer to your prayer, Gd knows and loves you individually regardless of your struggles. And similar to Elder Scott, we can learn the personal things just for our particular circumstances even if the speaker gives a talk or lesson unrelated to our struggles.

Admittedly this understanding is the reason why I did not enjoy taking religion courses at BYU. In a class where the professor is trying to teach a discourse on faith or history and background of something or other, I am learning what classes I need to take next semester, how to decipher the revelation I have received, and what to do in my dating life. Then I take a test that judges how I learned what the professor taught rather than what the spirit taught. No fun during the test, but the skill to learn what I need to learn regardless of what is being taught is a lesson that I will use my lifetime over.

Whoever wrote the article already took the first step, to write down the revelation. Next steps are to follow the prompting and ask if there is more to know, which also seems like the author was doing because the article is about prayer. This author is clearly on the path to receive more revelation on what they need to hear in their life. Don't give up. The answers to your specific struggles will come to you, even if it is during a talk on tithing given by a returned missionary who only tells stories about their mission. The real teacher is the spirit. Gd will not leave you comfortless.

19 April 2015

To Those Who Opposed

To Those Who Opposed the sustaining of the prophets,

I appreciate your bravery and your diligence in seeking answers to the questions and concerns that are deep in your heart. These concerns and struggles are very important in finding truth. I hope to share with you how I learned to “express feedback, opinions, dissent, or dissatisfaction about the current views, positions and teachings of the LDS Church” (taken from

I have been brought up in the LDS Church and trained to think for myself and learn things for myself. I had my trials and learned to build my testimony at a young age. The part that meant the most to me was about Jesus Christ and how everything that He did was for me. Part of this was learning that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, not any of the leaders or prophets.

I can greatly relate to those who have concerns about the Priesthood and how men and women are treated differently in the Church or how Church members don't always act in harmony to the teachings of the Church towards fellow members of the fold. I have experienced those things for myself and had those same questions. And I took them to the head of the Church.

The exact example I will use here will be about the differences that used to exist in allowing males and females to go on missions. As a teenager, I longed to go on a mission and knew that I had to wait until I was 21 while the boys all got to go at 19. This was an issue in my mind. As I said before I took this problem to the head of the Church. I prayed a lot and I prayed hard because it was something near and dear to me. I kept praying and knew Gd was listening, but I didn't get the "you will understand later feeling" (as I did for other questions that I had that I did and am getting answers about). Instead I felt that what I was saying was right.

When I turned 21, I already had my mission call and was reporting to the MTC in two weeks. While I was in the MTC the monumental announcement came that lowered the missionary age. It was the answer to my prayer. The head of the Church had heard my plea and the plea of many others and made the change. I know that it was after it would directly affect me (meaning I was already a missionary under the old system), but I knew that Gd listened and answered my concern.

I am very proud to be a member of the Church where everyone has access to He who stands at the head, where I can receive direct answers from Him, and where I know everything will and does fit. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the best method to express feedback, dissent, opinions, and dissatisfaction. That method is prayer. I know it does not seem as glorious and instant as people would like it to be, but it is the way that helps the most. And by 'helps the most' I mean it is the best method to fulfill Gd's purpose "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39).

To all those who question, I invite you to "ask, and it shall be given you; [to] seek, and ye shall find" (Matthew 7:7). The head of the Church is eager to hear your concerns and help you bring about the change that will help "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."


08 February 2015

Best in the world, but not of the world

Best in the world, but not of the world. This is a combination of the common say in the LDS Church that "we should be in the world but not of it" and the talk that I couldn't find that talks about how members of the Church will one day rise to the top of their respective fields. If a mentality that I felt like was a pressure in my life (which usually just means it is a temptation from Satan and no one really cares in general) has been around with everyone else, then there is something slowing us down from living up to this potential. Too often blogs by members of the church is written to members of the church, ironically like this post.

The command "to be in the world but not of the world" comes from Christ's Intercessory prayer in St John 17. Christ is blessing the apostles and disciples to help not be of the world while they are in the world. This is usually taught with strict emphasis in not having a summer home in Babylon and keeping the commandments. It might be just me, but it seems like the large part about being in the world is forgotten or taken at face value- of literally being on this planet. I do know people do a great job in work and other community activities to do this, but I feel like we need to direct our important  thoughts, talents, and knowledge to people outside of our Mormon Community. 

I will quote an awesome quote by Elder Perry that I found in my research for this post about what could happen if we reached our talents, thoughts, and knowledge outside out. Well, maybe a couple paragraphs and a recommendation to read the entire talk.

"The spheres of influence we can radiate from our associations can make worthwhile contributions in the world. A righteous example can attract others to living a standard which has been established by the Lord, for the conduct of His children here in mortality. It can be a source of bringing souls to the light of the gospel, causing some to join the Church, while others do not. Embracing the gospel is a personal decision, and we always respect and understand the rights of individuals, but how can we ever expect the world to embrace the righteous principles the Lord has declared to govern His children here if we do not extend our influence outward?

How our governments need standards of integrity! How our communities need yardsticks to measure decency! How our neighborhoods need models of beauty and cleanliness! How our schools need continued encouragement and assistance to maintain high educational standards! Rather than spend time complaining about the direction in which these institutions are going, we need to exert our influence in shaping the right direction. A small effort by a few can result in so much good for all of mankind.

                                                                               -Elder L. Tom Perry

I did like his story about the social hours at his work and the comparison to Daniel. I think that is very true because as we live the Gospel of Jesus Christ we draw closer to Him. As He is the source of all knowledge and power, we learn from Him while learning here on earth and since He knows everything His help rises us to the top.

01 February 2015

I'm back?

Hi minimal group of readers. I am unpredictable for myself and it has been over six months since I said I would return to being a regular blogger. I have a blogging but today and worked on some posts. Let's see if I can manage balancing my life and blogging, or balance my life by blogging.

As this is a Sunday my thoughts are on humility. I have learned a lot of that recently as I have been heavily dependent on people for my well-being and safety. I realize that I take a lot of that for granted in my regular life and most of it comes from Gd. Many random bad things could happen at any time but Gd manages to put them only in specific people's life- sorry if that is you, but it is for a good reason. It brings me back to the ideal that I wanted where I tried to learn something from everyone. Yes, I am far from that ideal, but it is the goal.

The world would benefit greatly if people applied the quote in the picture (thanks again google images for helping me find the right image for humility from a blog from a First Baptist Church in Missouri). Adding to it, humility is not taking everyone else's word over your own, but understanding that everyone has value to add in your life.

 I am very grateful for the helpful people that Gd has put into my life at this time. As I have taken that opportunity to be an exchange student in Milan, Italy, I am in a city where I am barely learning the language and have relied on many people to help me get the things that I need. Thanks to all those that have helped me here, in traveling here, in making this trip possible, and my parents who are helping in all of those steps.

25 May 2014

Love is the Answer

In light of the events this weekend at USCB this weekend, I was going to write about feminism and my stance on it which would've lead to me talking about all of my stances on moral issues. But then, at church, we learned about something that relates and would've solved the issue. Oddly enough, it is normally what I blog about on Sundays.

Love. The real, true love that has no ulterior motives and isn't for self-gain. Like the song I mentioned the other day- "Love Never Fails"- the love that watches out for those around them. The love that serves those around them and works on helping others.

If this 22-year old that was frustrated that he hadn't had sex yet (from my perspective of this same 'issue', this isn't a problem) had spent his time serving others, his mind would be far from killing those that were bugging him. I get frustrated at the dating scene as well, but I let other things occupy my thoughts and actions. If I wanted to be better, those thoughts and actions should be service. If he would've been volunteering at a nursing home and being more concerned that they have company, he would be less frustrated at not getting female attention (or he would get it from the old ladies, haha). Also, he could get dating advice from men who managed to keep a relationship with someone for over 50 years and thus gain something to help alleviate his frustration and have success. He would learn respect both for himself and others and would be a much happier individual.

I realize I am not the greatest example of giving service. The most I do is do the dishes for my roommates when I have the time. I hope to find more ways to serve so I can be better off and, most importantly, have greater love so I can serve even better (and make the world a better place because I am in it).

We are not here on this earth to be alone, but to work with and serve others. I think it is no coincidence that as our ability to communicate throughout the world has increased our ability to advance technologically. The healthy interactions that we have with others where we listen and learn from others (which is a way of serving, I always feel so much better about something when I'm able to talk about it to someone who is really listening) helps us create a better worldview and enhance our own ideas to make the best ideas. This last part is tying in the other topic I learned from my life experiences this week that I need to make the effort to make friends. There are several who have extended the offer; I just find it hard to make time for it. Sorry, if that is any of you; I promise I care and that I need your friendship, just be patient as I learn to make it more of a priority than it currently is.

Remember love. in everything you do.

05 May 2014

Coincidences in Life

You know you might need sleep when you find your physics textbook reading hilarious. Haha, the line that got me tonight was "Therefore, [lots of science junk] the lens must obey." HAHAHA. I like that my textbook thinks it can command lenses. Anyhow, this reading oddly corresponds with the training I had at my job today.

I am working with the databases and information on asbestos at the place I work. It is a job that nicely combines my counting-mutant (accountant, if you don't catch the reference) physicist skills. Databases and samples that are trying to portray a complete entity combine my emphasis of audit accounting with the data sampling and experimental procedures I learned in studying physics. Anyhow, with this job I take the booklets about samples taken and input them on the database. Today my boss was explaining to me how the best way to test for asbestos is by TEM. And strangely enough my physics reading is the basis going into optics TEM.

Like I said yesterday, I don't believe in coincidences. I may or may not have said that in person rather than on the blog- I can't remember and don't care to check since I should really be doing my homework. I take this to mean that I really need to understand this stuff and I am in the right spot for the Gd-inspired path that I have been praying to find. Things are looking good :)

04 May 2014

Christ Loved Us to Show Us How to be Better

My greatest admiration for the Saviour comes from His infinite love for everyone. I long to be like Him in that way because it would make choices a lot easier for me. Until I get there I have to balance the social pressures and what I understand to be the best for the people around me.

Often people overlook the ability of the Saviour to challenge people to become better and to return to the path of happiness. I previously discussed Christ as the perfect example of following the laws that bring happiness. Christ shamelessly shared the how-to's of this moderately difficult path and corrected those around Him so they could see how they weren't in harmony with it. The motivation for that correction was out of love.

We all most likely have had experiences similarly for the things we are passionate about, ie the things we love. A person who cares much for the environment will raise a warning voice to the people who are hurting the environment. A person who cares about the safety of workers in an environment where they are exposed to things that are harmful will raise a warning voice and try and get change to make it safe. A mother will teach their child to not touch a burning stove or run in front of cars because they love their child. All of these instances are based in a form of love.

I know when I get to have love more like the Saviour's love that I will be able to follow His example in helping others see how their life-path is not bringing them the happiness they desire. My motivation for this is not to be better than others or to elevate myself to a stool of Mrs-Bossy-Lady, but to better the world.  Selfish acts cause pain to both the person being selfish and the people they victimize in order to achieve their gain. Happiness comes as we follow the example of the Saviour.

Since correcting people can still be done without this Christ-like love, I wish to point out how Christ helped people see they were going the wrong way. I will find more scriptural references at a later point, but I am moderately familiar with events in the four Gospels. Christ used questions and the questions of the people He talked to in order to help them figure it out for themselves. I love this approach because even for the same question poised by two different people, Christ helped them figure it out. I think it takes true love to know a person so well that you can guide them with questions to help them find the true path to happiness. 

20 April 2014

Happy Easter!

I struggle most of the time to explain how much Jesus Christ has helped me. I frequently don't try because I know there is no way that I can even kinda approximate how much He matters- partly because I'm not good with words and partly because I don't know and notice everything He has changed for me.

I know He has filled me with the desire to live and thrive rather than just survive. He has blessed me with intelligence and many talents. He has filled the world around me with many beautiful things to discover. He has helped me clear a heavy mind and heart of past mistakes. He helps me be less concerned because He assures me that He has everything covered. When I encounter unjust things that I can't control, I can remember (when I remember and choose to) that everything will be made right through Him. I hope I remember to keep Him close in all my endeavors because He will be the one to make them even better. 

12 April 2014

Happy Palm Sunday! 2014

Today, I wish to discuss one of the reasons why I want to be like Jesus Christ.

Christ gave the command "Come Follow Me" in Luke 18:22 and I take that command seriously. Besides, I have learned through my own experience that it is only in His way that we find true relief and love. As mortals, we all get to chose what we want in life, but most of the time those things bring in grief and pain along with the temporary pleasure. I've seen that in my own life and only when Christ reached out and helped me did I figure out how it all worked (after I spent years doing the limited amount I could of trying to follow Him on my own). I now see it as a science we don't yet understand. 

Basically, Christ created our universe in accordance with the laws that govern the universe, like the law of gravity. Similarly, happiness is something that can be achieved- like creating a solar system - when certain laws are obeyed. As a physicist, I believe in absolute truth. Just because you don't know or believe in something that is true, it can still hurt you. Gravity is the easiest one to demonstrate. Just because someone does not believe in gravity does not mean they won't fall when they jump off of something.

Now to clarify better what I meant by stating, "Jesus Christ was the only perfect person to ever live on this earth". Christ either learned or knew the laws of happiness when He came to earth as a mortal. He lived according to those laws perfectly for His entire life. Part of that was sharing with those around Him the way to be happy, which is why He took so much time to teach. Thus He was perfect in following the 'spiritual' laws of the universe. Hopefully this concept clears up what I meant in stating the Christ was perfect.

No matter what path we pursue in life, our object is to be happy- even if it is in the sadistic way. Obviously I'm not perfect in living the happiness laws, but I look to and study about Christ to better learn how to have happiness in my life. Even if I never amount to any of my aspirations and end up a janitor for the local school, I could still have happiness by studying and following Jesus Christ.

Picture from Google image search.

11 April 2014

Random Thoughts

I wanted to randomly talk about a concept in my mind. It was forming when I read an article in a magazine and the article really helped put it all together in my mind (link to article at the bottom). Plus, with all the people I've been blogging about, I feel like it really fits.

The concept is how one creates a long-lasting, successful business. In summary of what I've written so far, I feel that Disney, Google, and Apple have built themselves on that principle. Their purpose is to provide a quality product and service in a way that benefits all those involved: customers, workers, share holders, and the world.

I really feel like that the focus needs to not be the profit, fame, power, or influence that might come from being successful, but in providing service to the world. The moment the focus shifts, it makes a dramatic difference that I don't know how to explain. And while it may still make a profit and accomplish what became the focus- something is missing and the value of what is being done diminishes. 

I feel like this is the truth in life. We have to be open and honest in everything we do. When we do that, we will enjoy what we do. Add that with a quality product or service, customers will be happy and business will grow. I find that a wonderful law of the universe! If you do something that helps the world, you are benefitted as well. 

As a religious person, I find that my commitment to follow the pattern set by Gd follows under this same rule. I have to obey Gd's commandments first and then trust that He will make everything work out after that. I can't explain it, but it is a principle I have observed in my life and the lives of others. I know that the commitment to Gd, honesty, and integrity will make the difference in finding true success in life. 

06 April 2014

Our Saviour Jesus Christ

I do not wish to delve into religious discussions, but it would be a lie to say that I'm not influenced by it. I don't intend to offend, but I will be speaking of the things that I believe.

Jesus Christ was the only perfect person to ever live on this earth. By that I mean, He gave the perfect example to follow to find happiness in life. He always chose to love, but that didn't mean that He excused wrong behavior. As an accountant I greatly see the need to correct when someone is wrong, and He showed us how one can with love. He taught the message of love in each interaction He had with people- no matter how socially outcast they are. 

Jesus demonstrated that no matter how great your cause that you will always have haters, and he demonstrated how to interact with them that was still kind and compassionate. He always did what was right even when His friends and family didn't agree. In the end, He was put to death only because the government didn't want to fight with the mob that wanted Him dead for doing the right thing. They couldn't find a legit reason.

I know that He lives again and is still working to help each and everyone of us find happiness. His methods are perfectly tuned to help each of us individually even while everyone else around us is still making mistakes. It is amazing that He can even turn mistakes into the very thing that will help us find the happiness that will last forever.

Picture from Google image search.