01 February 2015

I'm back?

Hi minimal group of readers. I am unpredictable for myself and it has been over six months since I said I would return to being a regular blogger. I have a blogging but today and worked on some posts. Let's see if I can manage balancing my life and blogging, or balance my life by blogging.

As this is a Sunday my thoughts are on humility. I have learned a lot of that recently as I have been heavily dependent on people for my well-being and safety. I realize that I take a lot of that for granted in my regular life and most of it comes from Gd. Many random bad things could happen at any time but Gd manages to put them only in specific people's life- sorry if that is you, but it is for a good reason. It brings me back to the ideal that I wanted where I tried to learn something from everyone. Yes, I am far from that ideal, but it is the goal.

The world would benefit greatly if people applied the quote in the picture (thanks again google images for helping me find the right image for humility from a blog from a First Baptist Church in Missouri). Adding to it, humility is not taking everyone else's word over your own, but understanding that everyone has value to add in your life.

 I am very grateful for the helpful people that Gd has put into my life at this time. As I have taken that opportunity to be an exchange student in Milan, Italy, I am in a city where I am barely learning the language and have relied on many people to help me get the things that I need. Thanks to all those that have helped me here, in traveling here, in making this trip possible, and my parents who are helping in all of those steps.

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