17 April 2014

Sidekick Needed

This is another random thought process related to my recent research. I introduced McKay Crockett and never once mentioned Keith Evans. That does not properly portray the life sketch of McKay Crockett. After working together in Vocal Point, they have taken on their major accomplishments together (Remix, Remix Academy, Hudson Lights, arrangements, etc). 

McKay and Keith collaborating
(from totallymissingthepoint.wordpress.com)

Sidekick is a catchy name, but co-conspirator would be the more accurate name. Co-conspirators make the idea better and help in making it happen. They are so important. Being a schemer as well, I know how important it is to have someone to join in. When I try something different solo, all I get is stares. When someone else joins me, it tends to grow and more people jump in. Easiest example is dances, if I go out and start dancing by myself, no one joins me. If I get one friend to join me, it is amazing how people just come and join (yeah, that's what they came to do, but they don't want to be the first in the floor).

Sherlock needs John Watson and Dr. Who always needs a companion. I know those are fictitious examples, but they do illustrate a truth. Ideas need to be shared and improved upon by other ideas. You both work to help the idea come to fruition and as I share my ideas they begin to fill in the holes that make them not workable. It is such a wonderful thing to have someone to work with.

When I embark on an idea adventure, I always do better with another person's input and ideas. For things that are just expressing what I'm feeling, I need to know what feeling they get from it. But for the ones that are more major and require effort, they are important in making it happen. I am very grateful for the co-conspirators in my life that come here and there with the various ideas that I try out. Some successful and some not, but always much better because they were there and helped out.

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